
Contemplative Practice and Creativity

Workshop Juanita Rockwell

I’ve been meditating for several decades, and have been practicing and studying with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, a Dzogchen Master in the Tibetan Bön Buddhist tradition, since 2002. In 2010, he founded The 3 Doors, an international non-profit organization and expanding community of practitioners dedicated to transforming lives through meditation practices grounded in wisdom and compassion.

After a two and a half year intensive program of meditation retreats, additional years of guidance within a program supporting our development in learning to share the core practices of The 3 Doors, and ongoing mentorship with senior teachers, I was authorized as a Presenter of 3 Doors practices. I continue to study with Rinpoche and the senior teachers who have been sharing these practices that are the essence of the Bön tradition.

These practices offer support for the ongoing job of being a more actively compassionate human, which is our most important job. But Tenzin Rinpoche often addresses how they support our creativity and creative practice, as he does in his book Spontaneous Creativity. I am deeply grateful to be able to share these contemplative practices in the context of my own workshops that explore writing, the structure of our internal and external stories, and freeing ourselves from the habits of mind that limit our expression.

Juanita Rockwell

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Thank you for visiting! I’m a playwright, songwriter, lyricist, theatremaker, meditation practitioner, and educator. I write these Meanders to explore the interconnections between creative practice, meditation practice, and social practice. Please sign up for my newsletter to receive future Meanders.